Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A One–Hour Ticket Response Time Guarantee

  • All your assistance requests will be attended to in no more than 60 minutes after the ticket or e–mail has been submitted. If your issue needs additional assistance from a server administrator, we’ll direct the trouble ticket or the email to the person on duty, in a timely manner and we will leave a comment to let you know that more time will be needed for reaching the optimal solution. And if you make use of the Optional Managed Services package, all of the tasks included there will be executed whenever you want.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Topflight Customer Care Service

  • If you need any assistance using the Website Control Panel or with any of the applications that we have pre–installed on the dedicated hosting server for you, do not hesitate to get in touch with our customer support staff anytime via the ticketing system. In addition, should you require assistance managing your server, you can make use of the Optional Managed Services package, which includes weekly OS updates, installation and problem troubleshooting services, server monitoring and restarting services, backup hard disk space, etc.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Section

  • Each Linux dedicated servers hosting package includes our free Website Control Panel, which features an in–depth knowledgebase and a set of educational video tutorials. Whenever you need help while working with the Website Control Panel, just press the Videos or Help buttons situated in the upper right corner.