Having a site is a little more challenging than having a domain name and uploading files for it on a server. The website hosting service also features things such as domain records, databases, email addresses, stats, FTP access, and so forth. Though they may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you bring up the word “website”, they are a fundamental part of any website and none of them can be overlooked. If you would like to start and keep a prosperous web presence, you will need a simple way to control all these things, especially if you are not very experienced. Apart from the ease of use, it is also crucial that you have full control over your domain names and the website hosting service associated with them.
Website Manager in Hosting
Our Linux hosting packages feature a powerful Website Manager tool where you can access everything relevant to your online presence fast and easy. The tool is an element of our custom Hepsia CP and provides a very easy-to-use interface, so you shall not have any issues even if you're building your first site and you have never had a website hosting account before. You'll find a list of all the domain addresses hosted in your account and by clicking on each of them, you shall see a variety of quick-access buttons for pretty much everything. With just a couple of mouse clicks, you shall be able to check out and change the WHOIS information if the domain is registered through us, to access the site files for it, to set up a new database or to install a script-driven app. You may also set up a new FTP account, look at website visitor stats, and a lot more. All these options are accessible handily in a single location.