If you run a website, having a backup is something extremely vital, especially if you have important info or you have invested money and time in creating the Internet site. There are various scenarios why you may require a backup - if you update a script and something goes completely wrong, if you delete a file or an entire folder by accident, and so on. Having regular backups will help you avoid any loss of information or at least minimize the damage, which is still better than losing the entire site. You'll be able to download a copy of your content on your computer system occasionally, but due to the fact that you can't do that after each change, you must rely on the backups which your web hosting provider generates. Due to the fact that that is something really crucial, you have to make certain that they keep up-to-date backups, because a backup created once every one or two weeks will not do any good if you run a website like an online store or an accommodation booking portal.