The monthly traffic feature, which is sometimes also identified as bandwidth or information transfer, refers to the overall amount of information that is uploaded to your hosting account and downloaded from it each month. The site traffic is produced mostly by website visits - every time someone visits your site, the webpages they see are downloaded from the web hosting server to his / her computer system or mobile device and they're shown by the browser. What counts towards the web site traffic generated is the overall size of these pages, as a result the more visitors you get for some period of time, the more web site traffic will be produced. Along with the web site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the total monthly transfer this means that whenever you upload site content or some other files using a file manager or an FTP program, they'll also produce some website traffic. The counter resets on the very first day of every month and it is not related to the date you have registered as well as the date you have renewed the hosting plan.